Icons in buttons?

  • 3 September 2019
  • 7 replies

Hi there,

is it possible to add icons to buttons? There no option in the editor but is there another easy way?

Thanks, Chris

7 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hello Chris,

Not sure if it’s what you are looking for, but when you click on your button, on the right panel, you have an “appearance” section where you can select “image”. you can upload your icon image in the background of the button. don’t forget to set “underlay opacity” to 0.


Thanks @julien_level for your help. But that’s not what I meant to do.
I would just like to add an icon to the left of the cta text. This is used often and I did this with page builders in Wordpress. e.g. a small arrow or a download icon to support/visualize the CTA.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

oh i see now !
Yeah i had the same trouble last year.

I found a way to do it and use it a lot.

  1. you create the button you want without using the “button” feature. (so a rectangle, the color you want, you add an icon in it, etc).
  2. you add “button” (from the menu this time) over the fake button you just made. you put no text and no color (0% in underlay opacity). and voila 🙂

Thanks, good idea 🙂 I’ll try that
Though I’d prefer if Unbounce would include the option to set icons by default via menu.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

I hear you loud and clear, Christian! I’ve relayed this feedback to our product team for review. If you’re interested in chatting about this (or any product feedback) let me know! I’d be happy to chat 🙂


Dear @Jess ,

thanks for your effort! Of course we can chat about this.
Or I can set up a post in the feature request.
If you offer the icon in a button, maybe can you make a set available, like an original set or Font Awesome?
I know this from other builders as well: means you can choose the icon & change the colour without having to upload an image in several variations. This way you could set up icons in other places on a page as well aside from the button.

It’s unbelievable how I was looking into this just on Monday! Idea was to create a block, place an icon, then place the button in it. I know, quite hacky and it shouldn’t have to be, but thats an interim solution?

I wanted it for phone call click to call buttons.
