
Facebook Social Login: Fill form fields with details from Facebook

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I use the basic profile from FB developer connection and have added more details of the user as age_range, and locale, which are included in the basic profile. Yet when I test people can indeed login, and I do see the basic data but these data I can never see, no matter with how many accounts (that indeed have this data) I try. I wonder if I did something wrong in the script.

I am using a test page to try it out:

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hey @Johnny_Opao 🙂 this is awesome, thanks!

Quick question I haven’t been able to find an answer to in the Community – is there a way to have the Facebook data prefill the form if the user has come directly from Facebook to the landing page i.e. via a Facebook ad link ???

Hi, thanks for your contribution. It works fine but the problem I have is it blocks the popup window image with facebook login.

I have looked at developer facebook and when implementing the current login button, the popup window is not blocked but I dont know how to associate it with unbounce autofill. Some help?
Thank you! 🙂

@Hristian - THANK YOU for the recommendation on Auth0. I setup an account and created a FB social connection login - but being a non-programmer, I’m not exactly sure what to do next.

What callback URI should I be using? I’m not authenticating with my own app, I’m collecting the data and moving the user to a 2nd landing page on Unbounce. Is there an Unbouce callback URI that I should be using?

Thanks for your help. It’s sincerely appreciated!



Hi @jhage have you solved this problem?

I followed Auth0’s tutorial, but am always getting an error “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier” on “redirectUri: ‘’”

My test page is:

Does anyone have any advice?


Hi! Either I misunderstood the point or I’m doing something wrong here. I’m trying this on a landing page variant:
I think I followed the tutorial exactly but it just doesn’t work. What am I missing? Thanks! 🙂
Some prints attached!


@Johnny_Opao Does this means that once visitor come into my website the form(email) on my website will be pre filled with their email fetching data through facebook (assume they did login their facebook account with their browser before) ?

Looking forward for your reply. Thank you.

Hi @Johnny_Opao, I’m having trouble using this script inside a Popup (iframe) on a landing page, so how can I use this script in this case? The problem is because the Popup-iframe generates another URL and Facebook doesn’t recognize it, informing that the URL is blocked. What can I do? I just need to fill the Name and Email fields on the form inside the Popup. Could you help me please?

This is awesome! I’ve used this to retrieve the email address, first name, and last name successfully.

The only other items I would like to retrieve is the hometown and province. Is this possible?

I updated the scope to include user_location and user_hometown.

Userlevel 3

Hey Kurtis - Increasing the scope should do the job. We have a ticket open so lets dig into this together to figure this out.

Just sent you a reply now!

I got this to work successfully with the form collecting the name and email but the problem is that the Facebook log-in pop-over is blocked the first time you click it. Is there a way to ensure the pop-up is never blocked?
