Tracking Google Adwords keywords on AMP page leads

  • 6 January 2021
  • 1 reply


Hi all, I am looking for a way to track my Google Adwords keyword on my AMP page leads. I would like to know which keywords a lead used to reach my landing page. Originally, I had hoped to be able to use the a UTM tracking template in Google Ads to fill in a hidden form field, but discovered that AMP pages do not have that capability. Has anyone found a way to implement this kind of tracking on an AMP page?

1 reply

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Hi @tsingleton

AMP and non AMP pages for analysis work the same way. Google Ads by default (gclid enabled) will get you the search queries, however, to distinguish between what came from AMP, you’ll have to use Segments based off of either the data source dimension or your landing page URL patterns. Same if you are using UTM parameters in Google Ads. Having said that, I am assuming you have set up session unification for AMP and also followed the instructions given on this page:

Hope that helps.
