Published page disappeared from my dashboard

  • 30 June 2010
  • 4 replies

I have an Unbounce account and i recently published a landing page with the following url:… but it has disappearded from my dashboard, i cannot edit nor see the results!
Please help me to access again to this page from the dashboard. It’s very urgent!

4 replies

Hi Alexandra,
I’ve found your page - it appeared to have been deleted. Is there any chance you accidentally hit the Delete Page button after you published it? Either way, your page should be back to normal and accessible in your dashboard. Let us know if you’re still have trouble seeing it.


Hello !

I ve’got exactly the same problem with my landing page :
it disappeared from my dashboard and i haven’t deleted it ! 
Please help me to acces again to this page, its really urgent !


Hi Carter, I can’t see my Unbounce pages either … there are multiple users and others can see the pages but I cannot. I tried to duplicate a page and can’t see it. Again others can. Any ideas?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi Warren, this sounds like something our Support team should get involved with, it sounds like it may have something to do with user permissions but best to contact them to be sure. is the best way to get in touch. Hope it gets sorted quickly!

