Just Launched: 10 New Mobile Responsive Templates

Hey Everyone!

We’ve just added 10 brand new mobile responsive templates to our collection, which are available now  for all Unbounce customers to use. These new templates are a mix of lead-generation and click-through, and can be customized and tailored to your needs. The new templates are:

¥ Radius
¥ Polo
¥ Next
¥ Simple
¥ Hamsterapp
¥ HowTo - Recording
¥ HowTo - Webinar
¥ Premia
¥ Librato
¥ Task Check

 These new templates also come with enhanced background properties, such as 100% full screen width, or color overlays. Some of them even use this beautiful  parallax effect

You can find these new templates in the app  right ** now, **so be sure to go check them out and share your feedback with the community! Finally, to learn more about our internal design and deployment process for these templates, head over to the Inside Unbounce blog and read: More Templates and Background Image Properties by our Product Designer Cole Derochie

3 replies

Hey Justin - love the new templates and this might be a pretty noob question, but when I replace the background image it pulls the image forward (in front of the purple opacity)?  Any insight as to what I’m doing wrong?  

Hey Matthew, 

No noob questions here! That is a little confusing and it’s just because of the way in which that page WAS set up. Sorry about that.

 I have fixed it so you should be able to replace that background image and still have that purple overlay. I’m assuming of course that you were using our Radius template (as pictured above)? 

Exactly…  Thanks.  So it was an actual issue and not a noob oversight?  Wait till i tell our graphic designer!  #coolpoints
