How do I get external JS lightboxes to display on click?

  • 17 February 2016
  • 3 replies

I’m trying to use Untorch, a viral marketing referral service, to work on an Unbounce landing page.

It works by adding some custom code to the page, which calls a Javascript file from the Untorch domain. When I add this code to the page

" rel="nofollow" target="\_blank" title="Link https//untorchcom/js/untorchminjs/script"\>"\>;

the email field and button are displayed correctly. However, when the user clicks the submit button, a lightbox/modal is supposed to appear. This doesn’t happen. How can I make it happen? Do I need to somehow bring in the JS from Untorch and edit it? 

3 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi Curt, I am not sure I can help, but anyone who might pitch in would need a URL to the page in question 😉

Whoops! Here’s the link to the page:

Issue resolved: Untorch expects jQuery 1.5, but Unbounce loads jQuery 1.4.2 instead. I simply disabled Unbounce’s loading of jQuery 1.4.2, and Untorch loaded 1.5 instead–which allowed it to open the lightbox as expected.
