Get all the goods from CTAConf: Speaker Videos, Notes & Slides

Update: Please find all the videos from CTA Conf 2018 here:!ctaconf-videos

Remember this?

Maybe this will jog your memory:

About a month ago, we wrapped up our annual CTA Conf. It’s two full days of marketing nirvana where globally recognized speakers gab on everything from copywriting, SEO, PPC, analytics and, of course, conversion.

This year, we packed the house with almost a thousand marketers (and, unbelievably, almost half of those were Unbounce customers), 21 speakers and an infinite amount of experience and ideas.

Even if you didn’t have a chance to be there in person, there’s good news: you can curl up and binge watch all of the action from home (for free):

  • Speaker videos : Every talk from CTAConf was recorded in full. Watch them for free. [Get the videos]

  • Notes & slides : We captured every actionable takeaway and tweetable quote so that you can get right to optimizing your marketing campaigns. [Get the notes]

Yep, there’s a lot of content tucked into those two links… if you’re wondering where to start here are my top three favorites from CTAConf.

  1. Hana Abaza (from UberFlip): Cat videos, list posts & other myths of high-converting content.

In Hana’s talk, you’ll learn:

  • What you’re up against in today’s content environment (hint: it’s not just Buzzfeed and cat videos)
  • Three key elements of a high converting content experience
  • How to get more out of your content marketing without creating more content
  1. Rand Fishkin (from MOZ): The measure of a marketer’s worth

In Rand’s talk, you’ll learn:

  • How to find a web marketing process that DOES directly impact your goals
  • How to measure not just the progress, but the work, and uncover which work you should stop doing, and what you should continue investing in
  • How to sell experiments and new kinds of work internally to your boss/team and/or externally to clients
  1. Amy Harrison (from AmyTV): Is your copy selling your short?

In Amy’s talk, you’ll learn:

  • How to tell if your copy is being overlooked as the (boy/girl) next door
  • Pinning down what customers ‘really’ want to hear for them to say ‘tell me more!’
  • How to develop a rich list of selling points you can use directly in your copy to make it more compelling
    As an Unbounce user, I can’t wait to see you turn this knowledge into power and crank up your own landing pages and conversion strategy.

Happy binging converting 😃


4 replies

Thank you!!! Any other resources from the conference? What about templates? 

Hi Z! Hana Abaza gave away a list of survey questions they used to dig into their own customer insights and Amy Harrison gave away a crib sheet that you can use to write better copy. You can find search for both [ctl + F] in notes here. I have a feeling there was some more giveaways but those are the two that come to mind!

These links are dead 😦 are there replay videos from other years as well?

Better education = More pages = More $ for ALL members 😉

An update is HUUUGELY appreciated! 🙂

Like a boss! 😊 I had a feeling you’d find them. If there’s any previous year conferences, that would be epic. Maybe who ever manages the data side of things has them somewhere…keep me posted.

Thanks so much!!! 🙏
