Conversion rate chart

  • 23 February 2010
  • 4 replies

Conversion rate chart not rendering? It’s there, just not displaying anything other than a flat line at 0.

4 replies

Hi Vitaliy! This could be due to a couple things. The first thing to check is if you’ve specified a conversion goal. We know this is a little non-obvious right now. It’s done in the editor, on the right-hand side under the “Goals” tab. Just specify the link on the page you consider to be your primary CTA (or a form, if it’s a lead gen page). Once you’ve specified a conversion goal, you should start to see a conversion rate being calculated.

If you’ve already specified a conversion goal and you’re not seeing conversion metrics, let us know!

Yep, I’ve already specified a conversion goal for each variant. It looks like the conversions are registering and tracking just fine, just not showing up in the chart.

Ok, I had a look at the chart and the underlying data. We’re computing the conversion rate properly, however the chart data comes up with zero conversion rates. I’ll log this as a bug and we’ll do our best to get a fix out in the next day or so. Sorry about that!

Hi Vitaliy, we just deployed a fix for this issue. This should fix the conversion rate chart. Let us know if you’re still having issues, or if you run into anything else!
