$12,000 in Prizes for New Landing Page Template Designs

  • 12 February 2014
  • 4 replies

  • Co-Founder | Strategic Advisor @ Unbounce
  • 738 replies

You might have noticed that we recently introduced a way for you to download & upload Unbounce pages. For a while now, our most requested idea has been an Unbounce Template Marketplace and this feature has helped make that happen.

We’re super excited to tell you that we’ve partnered with ThemeForest to distribute community designed Unbounce landing page templates.

To kick things off, we’re giving away $12,000 in prizes for new landing page designs as part of Envato’s Most Wanted (Envato is the company behind ThemeForest) which will help us build a brilliant collection of landing page designs for the ThemeForest launch.

Get Involved in the Competition Here È

The competition starts Feb 12th at 9am EST and runs to March 11th at 5am EST.

Even after the competition, you’re templates will remain for sale in ThemeForest and you’ll continue to earn the revenue generated from them (as per ThemeForest’s TOS.)

We can’t wait to announce the first round of ThemeForest templates in a few weeks and hope that your designs are part of the first batch!

What kind of templates would you like to see in the ThemeForest?

4 replies


This is gold!

Hey all! I’m really keen to see the templates you’ll all build. I’ve had some customers send some great questions my way and wanted to share them here:

For the competition, is it just the design of the template or does it also include the coding?

The templates need to be designed *and* built in Unbounce. You then download the fully built template from Unbounce and submit it to ThemeForest for the competition.

Can we brand the templates with company logo?


You can brand the template however you like (including using your own logos if you want). The design is totally up to you but I can say that from experience, fully finished themes featuring complete photography and sample text tend to be the most popular.

Will the templates be offered for sale after the competition and if so, do we get a share of the sale price?

Unbounce isn’t affiliated with the distribution of the themes through ThemeForest but yes, the templates will be for sale through ThemeForest after the competition.

You’ll get to keep the revenue generated from them according to ThemeForest’s terms of service just as if you designed any other kind of theme for them.

Be sure to let me know what other questions do you have about the competition!

Hi everyone! The Envato’s Most Wanted competition has now closed and as of today we have 35 awesome Unbounce templates over at ThemeForest.

But the fun doesn’t have to stop - you can continue to build templates in Unbounce and sell them on the ThemeForest marketplace, which is here to stay.
