
Google Displays Website Title as "Untitled" With No Description

  • 16 November 2023
  • 1 reply


Hellos, when I go to search my page on google the website title is displayed as “Untitled” with a description that explains java script needs to be enabled (this seems like filler). I have changed the metadata settings including Title, Description, and Keywords but I am not seeing these changed reflected when searching for my site on google. I am also unsure of it is possible to edit the code to edit <head> and change the title. please help. 

1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hey @jamesbnbbud, thanks for posting! This definitely sounds like an issue that you should reach out to our support team about. You can find out how to contact them below:


One thing I will add is that whenever you update your page metadata settings you’ll want to resubmit the page to the Google Search Console so that your changes are reflected. Thanks James, we’ll keep an eye out for your support request! 🤓 
