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hey guys!

any ideas how i can track phone call conversions via unbounce Dashboard?

this is for a client where phone calls are the main lead gen for them, they do not want forum submissions…=\

Any ideas?

they already have the phone number they want to track or they want a new number? There are services online that provide you cheap phone numbers, 800 numbers for like 19/Months or so and you will be able to see who called that number for how long.

Then there is which gives you lots of information about the call they even are recording all calls. I think though that you need to use the numbers they provide or maybe you can port the number you want to track in to their service, Im not sure.

ParkMyPhone allows you to port the numbers in and you will see basic call information. 800 numbers are 19/month.

Good luck

ifbyphone is another service for call tracking service and we are talking with them about a possible integration with Unbounce soon.

hi viktoria, thanks for the reply. I have the phone number part down, but the conversions via unbounce dashboard lies the issue.

Another great tool for this (for UK users if any are reading) is - I am evaluating it at the moment but it is pretty powerful, produces a unique number on the fly and talks back to analytics for stats on search queries vs enquiries, would be great for that to hook into unbounce in some way too.



use different #s for each variant.

Buy a plan that charges by the minute and allows for additional numbers for $1 or 2 / each on the same plan.

Then you’ll have to mesh the data from each service e.b. 200 page views, 40 calls, 3 sales all over the same time period.

Presto, tracking of each page and ratios of calls and conversions vs. views.

It would be great to have the ability to count a customer clicking on a phone number for the conversion in unbounce (specially on mobile). I understand the other options, but would like to see this functionality built into unbounce. Thanks

no news about such option ?

Hi Taylor - we don’t have any ETA on having this tracking natively in Unbounce or on a direct ifbyphone integration yet.

Now that we’ve tackled a lot of work on some major upgrades (faster page serving, dynamic content, and soon global scripts and responsive pages), we will have more dev bandwith to work on more integrations and leads and stats enhancements though.
