EU Cookie Laws Solution: How to have a popup and manage it across multiple sites

  • 11 June 2015
  • 2 replies

Hi all,

With the EU Cookie laws firmly in effect for a while now I have noticed quite a few posts and  I get asked questions about how to have a popup and manage it across multiple sites, unbounce landing pages and in varying circumstances. 

Please please remember that this applies to your Unbounce landing pages and not just your website especially if your using Google Analytics or some kind of remarketing script.

I wanted to share the solution I use, it’s really easy, and there’s a free option or a paid option (only need to pay if you have to load it over https)

Create a free account, setup a popup by following the prompts and copy/paste the code into your website or use the Javascript script manager to add it to your Unbounce landing pages. 

Voilla you’ve then covered your backside.

I use it on all clients sites and it even integrates with analytics so you can track usage stats. One single place to manage all clients and pages. I think it compliments Unbounce really well.

Just thought I would share…



2 replies

Great write up, Stuart! This is definitely going to help our EU users. 
Thanks for sharing!

Stuart, you are an extremely helpful and knowledgeable man. Thank you for your many many contributions.
