Embedding page on my site

  • 22 June 2011
  • 7 replies

can I embed this page so that it views on my site: www.reducehomeworkstress.com

7 replies

Hi Neil, if you are talking about embedding an Unbounce page on your site, you could certainly try using an iframe to do that.

thanks! one more request: how would I do that? I have used Iframes before, but not to embed a whole page.

any reason this was never replied to?

Hello Neil - it looks like your question may have slipped through the digital cracks and I’m sorry to see that that happened.

Embedding a small element or a whole landing page in an iframe is basically the same. Gettting it to work is really just a matter of tweaking the height and width of the iframe to match that of the landing page. Luckily, the Unbounce editor displays the dimensions of your page in the properties pane which eliminates that guess work.

The code you’ll use should look something like this:

<iframe src="paste_your_landingpageURL_here" width="760" height="760" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"> <br> If you can see this, your browser doesn't
<br> understand IFRAME.
However, we'll still
<br> <a href="paste_your_landingpageURL_here">link</a>
<br> you to the content. <br> </iframe>   


  • ‘WIDTH’ and ‘HEIGHT’ specify the width and height of your landing page.
  • ‘paste_your_landingpageURL_here’ is your landing page URL
  • ‘SCROLLING’ toggles scroll bars (yes/no) if necessary and
  • ‘FRAMEBORDER’ lets you choose to put a border around the iframe.

Now, all that being said, I can’t help but wonder if your original question wasn’t asking if you could have a landing page appear as part of your site.

Sort of like: www.reducehomeworkstress.com/yourland…

If that’s the case, the answer is yes and no. Just send an email to support@unbounce.com and we a more in depth chat about this.

Sorry again for the late reply!

Ahh, yes Ryan is right (in that your second question just got missed). Sorry about that, he has a great answer below that I hope helps.

Thank you!! This worked for me!!! Thank you, thank you!

The proposed iframe solution won’t actually work because the parent page has no idea how tall the child page within the iframe is.  You could make an initial guess of, for example 760px, but it will be drastically different for desktop and mobile.  Or if the page changes height (e.g. there’s an error in the form submission and error messages appear that increase the height of the page).  At best you could use a really big number and just live with the fact that many visitors will have several screens of whitespace at the bottom of the page. 

There needs to be a JavaScript solution where the child page tells the parent page how long its document is (and when it changes). 

Without this feature, I don’t think I can recommend Unbounce to my clients.
