[Feature Release] Wordpress Integration

  • 16 September 2015
  • 17 replies

Hey Everyone!

If you’ve ever wandered into the Product Ideas section of our Community, you’ve probably noticed that there has been quite a bit of commotion on the Wordpress Integrationidea. In fact, this thread has become so popular that it’s quickly become one of the most requested features ever.

With a Wordpress integration, not only would you avoid back-and-forth with your hosting provider during initial setup, but you could customize your landing page’s URL structure Ð helping you improve relevancy signals to search engines.

In short, you could go from using:

Well folks - I’m happy to announce that as of today, you can officially publish Unbounce landing pages to your WordPress root domain.

That’s right! If you’re on any paid plan, you can start using our Wordpress Integration right now. To get started, simply log in and install the quick and easy WordPress for Unbounce Plugin.

Looking for more details? Head over to our Wordpress Integration Documentation or contact our Customer Success team at support@unbounce.com. We also have over 125 WordPress-ready templates. See how easy it is to make a Wordpress landing page.


17 replies

Congrats on the release, Unbounce!  Much appreciated and can’t wait to implement it.



SUPER FREAKING COOL! Thanks @unbounce! I knew my love for you was warranted 😉
You guys deliver, consistently! Great content and great integrations! Much appreciated!


Fantastic. Can’t wait to move some of our pages over to root domains!

Thanks Unbounce! this will make life easy…

do you have to give up the SEO you have in Wordpress if you move a Unbounce page over as one of your main pages? 

Hey Carrie,

You can adjust your page’s Title Tag and Meta Description from inside the Unbounce page builder. This is the meta data that will be used on your page.

If you’re using an SEO plugin like YOAST, the meta data from the plugin won’t get carried over to your Unbounce page.

Are there any other aspects of SEO you are concerned about?

Hi, does this plug-in include the ability to build in Unbounce and deploy (and enhance) in WordPress? 

Sorry, there was an error authorizing with Unbounce. Please try again.
Just get this always… cannot get it to work 😦

Hi Lynette, 
Not sure how this question got missed! Sorry about that. If you’re building pages in Unbounce and hosting them on your Wordpress, you’ll need to make any and all changes to your pages in Unbounce still. Hope that answers your question!

Hi Tamhas! Have you reached out to our support team about this one? I’m sure we can help you through this!

Just a heads up, the Community isn’t really the best place to get tech support, so if you need to get in touch with our team in a hurry, the best way to reach us is through email (support@unbounce.com) or by giving us a call at 1.888.515.9161.

Sorry, maybe this is a very basic question. If I do connect unbounce and wordpress, does unbounce push the complete html-code into wordpress? Or how does this work actually?

One more question: We do have country directories (domain.com/uk), but our wordpress is hosted on the root domain (domain.com). Would it be possible to connect unbounce (different unbounce clients) to our different country directories (domain.com/uk and domain/de etc.) to seperate the country clients from each other?

appreciate any help very much!

Did you resolve this issue? I’m having the same problem…

Found the solution.

In unbounce I had set my domain name with the www, however in my wordpress settings I only had the http://domainname.com.

If you have done the same, just update your wordpress address in the wp admin (settings > general) to include the www then reauthorize.

Hi All,

Does anyone know if the visitor traffic limits still apply when using the Wordpress integration? I’m assuming the pages are no longer hosted with Unbounce, so it doesn’t impact any Unbounce infrastructure hence they don’t?

Many Thanks


Yes, traffic limits still apply when using the WordPress integration. The Unbounce WordPress plugin just assigns hooks to the page that you develop on Unbounce. The landing page is still hosted on Unbounce.

Ok thanks!

Thanks for posting Thomas, this was driving me nuts!
