Passing Variable from Cookie to Lead Object/Form

  • 18 October 2016
  • 4 replies


Kostas here. And, I need some javascript help.

We’re integrating a referral program, it’s called getambassador. Basically, the way it works - our existing users get a unique link to share with their network in the hope that they will refer a sale/signup. That unique link cookies a user and passes/populates a specific variable called “mbsy_short_code”.

So, what we need to do is simply append the form/object we pass with the variable “mbsy_short_code”. The page that I’m referencing is this one (not currently driving traffic to it):

In that form, I’ve already created a hidden field named msby_short_code.

Think you guys could help? It seems the community helped this user: Passing a querystring variable to a hidden field successfully.

Basically, the goal is simple - pass a variable to the object in the form field and then pass that into Salesforce.

4 replies

Userlevel 7

Hi Kostas!

While I don’t have a solution offhand, I can help point you in the right direction!

First, I’d recommend taking a look at this article (specifically the ‘Function to Get a Cookie’ section).

Second, once you are able to retrieve the value of the cookie, you can set a form field value using jQuery’s .val method (check it out here).

Hope this helps 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey Kostas! Thanks for chiming in here 😊

Our @Unbounce-Experts are well versed in the ways of Javascript, I’m sure they’d have a lot of insight into this. In the meantime, I’m going to loop in @Noah (he’s basically a rocket scientist 🚀).

I’ll be keeping an eye on this as well, since many of our customers integrate with Salesforce, this might be a helpful addition to our Tips and Scripts category.

Ok, right on. Honestly this is going to be pretty difficult for me to make
from scratch. Any way you guys could help a bit with the integration?

Kostas McDade
Marketing Director
SupplyFrame, Inc.
C: 858.395.9329

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Kostas,

I took a look at the example page you’ve provided but I don’t see anywhere the referenced variable.

Is the GetAmbassador integration on it?

