"...[object Object] was not found..." upon submit when using Form Confirmation Dialog

  • 20 December 2011
  • 7 replies

“The requested URL /path/[object Object]/ was not found on this server.” when using Form Confirmation Page on submission. Redirect to a web page works fine. What’s going on?

7 replies

Hi Michal, so sorry, this slipped off my radar. You had the following snippet added in a script on your page:

window.module.lp.form.data.confirmAction = “post”;

Which was probably left over from following our advice in this article:


I tested removing that script on your copied page, and that works fine. If you do the same on your original page you should be in good shape!

Hi Carl, we’re still hoping for a resolution to this issue. Any progress?

Hey Carl, any word on this issue?

Hi Carl. I’ve duplicated one of the pages exhibiting the error, and changed the Form to use the confirmation message. I’m getting the reported error.


Hey Michal, not sure we can suggest much without being able to test the pages when they’re getting the error. Could you duplicate one of your pages and set it up with the form confirmation so we can see the error?

The URL to the pages are http://customtakeoutbags.specialtybox…

As a temporary work-around, we had to change the Form Completion option to Redirect to a URL.

Hi Michal! Sorry for the confusion. We’ll have to have a look at your page to help you out. If you don’t mind, you could paste the page URL here, or you could send a message to support@unbounce.com. Either way, I’m sure we can get it figured out for you!
