ETA for external conversion tracking that spans different domains?

I’ve read that unBounce is “working” on making external conversion tracking cross different domains, wondering when this is planned to be implemented?

14 replies

Hi Andrew,

Your code isn’t showing up as bold…which parts are we supposed to change?


Hi Lasse, 
You’re absolutely right, that comes down to it being an SSL mixed-content issue. If you’re not using SSL, then this problem won’t exist. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the quick reply. However, this method did not work out for me:

The SSL certificate for my “conversion” domain is only valid for that domain. So if I redirect a subdomain of the domain where my unbounce pages live to that other “conversion” domain (in order to use the unbounce conversion tracking), browsers will always complain that the SSL certificate was not issued for the subdomain that I am using.

However, I assume it should work when not using SSL.

Hi Lasse, 

As long as all of your pages are located on _, it doesn’t matter what sub-domain you use. Your example above should work without any issues. 

Did you try to set this up yet, Lasse? 


I am not a big friend of Google and using Google Analytics is difficult here in Germany (because of the data privacy laws).
But, would the Unbounce external conversion tracking script work if my “success page” is located on a subdomain of my root domain (while the unbounce pages are located on a different subdomain) which is connected to my root domain via a cname entry?

For example, my domain is and I have my unbounce pages on (using a cname to redirect to where they are actually hosted) and my success page on (using a cname to redirect to the domain where the actual success page lies, e.g.

I hope everyone understands what I am trying to say…

Best regards,


In posted a solution to track conversions across domains in this thread/post.

Maybe it works for your se case as well

Just going to throw this out there, we’ve seen huge improvements in tracking landing page contributions to external conversions in Google Analytics with in 3 easy steps:

  1. Use Unbounce’s Script Manager to add your GA code to all pages at once
  2. Instead of the default GA script, use the following to create a “Virtual Pageview” in GA reports that dynamically appends the Variant ID to the end of the pageview…makes is SUPER simple to track the conversion rates and upstream interactions on each landing page variant.
  3. Be sure to change your GA view ID and your virtual pageview paths in bold below:
<script> <br />
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ <br />
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), <br />
m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) <br />
})(window,document,'script','//','ga'); <br /><br />
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX', 'auto'); <br />
ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); <br />
ga('send', 'pageview', '/lp/variant'; <br /><br /> </script>   


Userlevel 3
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While the results won’t be integrated right in Unbounce, using Google Analytics along with Adwords conversion tracking should work in the interim (you’ll just need to measure the results via GA).

Adding GA to your landing pages is pretty easy to set-up and if you set-up Adwords conversion goals, adding the conversion script in Unbounce is pretty easy too.

Sounds great. I mean, a simple tried and tested process of getting the stuff to work is all that I am asking for. I’ve spent quite a lot of AdWords dollars on driving traffic to your landing pages, from there to shopify but without really knowing the ROI on those ads.

Userlevel 3
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Hi Thomas - while cross domain tracking for our own external conversion tracking isn’t something we’re exploring right now, our Product team has started looking at different option to bring your GA stats into the Unbounce ecosystem a bit more. We don’t have all the details yet (and no ETA), but the idea would be to both make GA easier to add and then to leverage Google’s APIs to surface some of the stats right in Unbounce as well.

I would love to see support for this in Unbounce, tobe used with GA.

Thanks for your feedback Adam!

As Quinn mentioned, cross domain tracking is quite challenging. We haven’t seen a lot of interest in this as most customers prefer to use Google Analytics for this - mainly because GA can’t be beat in terms of granular reporting. For now, we highly recommend all users set up cross domain tracking with with Google Analytics.

FYI, so everyone understands,
The unBounce page, located on a .me domain, points to an application that resides on a .com domain. The “completion page” of that application, is where we would like to have our external conversion tracking take place.

We will have to use Google Analytics to track the conversions, but I would image that this would be something that a considerable amount of unBounce users would like to have.

Userlevel 3
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Hi Adam - I don’t believe cross domain conversion tracking isn’t something that is on our current product road map. Cross domain tracking involves certain challenges that we haven’t taken a long look at tackling yet, but also, we haven’t had a lot of feedback asking for it yet and our product road map is largely driven by customer feedback.

I went ahead and changed your topic from a question to an idea, which will allow other Unbouncers to vote on it if they’d like to see the same. If we see a lot of interest, it will get pushed up our list of features.
