Anyone know how to use zip to autofill state and city in a form?

  • 15 November 2014
  • 23 replies

I found some script that says it should work, but it’s not working on my end. I have my fields set as zip and my hidden fields set as city and state. Any ideas?

<br /> $(document).ready(function() { <br />
  $("#zip").keyup(function() { <br />
      var el = $(this); <br /><br />
      if (el.val().length === 5) { <br />
          $.ajax({ <br />
              url: "", <br />
              cache: false, <br />
              dataType: "json", <br />
              type: "GET", <br />
              data: "zip=" + el.val(), <br />
              success: function(result, success) { <br />
                  $("#city").val(; <br />
                  $("#state").val(result.state); <br />
              } <br />
          }); <br />
      } <br />
  }); <br /> }); <br /> </script>   

23 replies

It seems the link from Sidney and Justin is broken?

Just wanted to give a quick update. If you aren’t able to get this working, check out Stuart’s replies on the topic here for a fix: 

Yeah, it’s funny how it was just a simple correction that fixed it 🙂

wow. it does work. this is great!

See /topics/how-do-i-display-city-st-on-page-2-based-on-zip-code-… it works now!

I never got it working, but would love to figure something out. 

Has anyone found out how to make this work? I need this too and would appreciate a reply if there’s an inexpensive option that doesn’t involve signing up for a SAAS CRM.

Here is a workaround we use:

-Integrate to ZohoCRM (Account required)
-In ZohoCRM, set up the “Auto Fill City/State” rule in Setup/Automation
-The City+State field will automatically be populated in the lead view based on the zip code once a new lead is created in Zoho

This does not affect the Unbounce new lead notification e-mails of course, but allows you to easily see the city/state in a dashboard view in ZohoCRM.

Everything looks right as far as I can tell. Not sure why it isn’t working…

The landing page is here:…

 <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ <br />
$(function() { <br />
 // IMPORTANT: Fill in your client key <br />
 var clientKey = "js-BEsX2yKrcfgys3UAcEseIo46X2U5Zb7AQAyT8iklxAUZEOARs25brahpdcucoCNe"; <br /><br />
 var cache = {}; <br />
 var container = $("#example1"); <br />
 var errorDiv = container.find("div.text-error"); <br /><br />
 /** Handle successful response */ <br />
 function handleResp(data) <br />
 { <br />
  // Check for error <br />
  if (data.error_msg) <br />
   errorDiv.text(data.error_msg); <br />
  else if ("city" in data) <br />
  { <br />
   // Set city and state <br />
   container.find("input[name='city']").val(; <br />
   container.find("input[name='state']").val(data.state); <br />
  } <br />
 } <br /><br />
 // Set up event handlers <br />
 container.find("input[name='zipcode']").on("keyup change", function() { <br />
  // Get zip code <br />
  var zipcode = $(this).val().substring(0, 5); <br />
  if (zipcode.length == 5 && /^[0-9]+$/.test(zipcode)) <br />
  { <br />
   // Clear error <br />
   errorDiv.empty(); <br /><br />
   // Check cache <br />
   if (zipcode in cache) <br />
   { <br />
    handleResp(cache[zipcode]); <br />
   } <br />
   else <br />
   { <br />
    // Build url <br />
    var url = ""+clientKey+"/info.json/" + zipcode + "/radians"; <br /><br />
    // Make AJAX request <br />
    $.ajax({ <br />
     "url": url, <br />
     "dataType": "json" <br />
    }).done(function(data) { <br />
     handleResp(data); <br /><br />
     // Store in cache <br />
     cache[zipcode] = data; <br />
    }).fail(function(data) { <br />
     if (data.responseText && (json = $.parseJSON(data.responseText))) <br />
     { <br />
      // Store in cache <br />
      cache[zipcode] = json; <br /><br />
      // Check for error <br />
      if (json.error_msg) <br />
       errorDiv.text(json.error_msg); <br />
     } <br />
     else <br />
      errorDiv.text('Request failed.'); <br />
    }); <br />
   } <br />
  } <br />
 }).trigger("change"); <br />
}); <br /> //]]></script>   

Sure that’d be great

I’m using the one from 3 days ago, i just turned off the unbounce jquery and have it load a newer version. If you need, I can post the code to turn on the new jquery

Gotcha. Do you have an example of the code you are trying, using the newer method Mark mentioned.

No. I can get the code to execute, but it’s still not returning the values to the form fields.

Have you had any luck with this–I am still trying to get it to work myself.

Thanks so much!! I got that working by using a newer method and I don’t get any errors, I just don’t get any values returned from the code. 😦

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Userlevel 2

Hi there,

That error is arising because you’re trying to usejQuery’s .on() method. That method was added in jQuery 1.7, but you’re using the older version of jQuery that’s built in to Unbounce Ð 1.4.2.

You could try to rewrite the script using .bind() ( or similar, which is available in 1.4.2, but it’s likely easier to disable jQuery 1.4.2 and manually include a newer version from a CDN like cdnjs:

Hope that helps!

Here is my page example:…

So I’ve looked around and I found that works. They have an example on their site. I’ve signed up and registered my client key, but when I run it through the java console I get “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function” on line:

container.find(“input[name=‘zipcode’]”).on(“keyup change”, function() {

<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ <br />
jQuery(function($) { <br />
// IMPORTANT: Fill in your client key <br />
var clientKey = "js-BEsX2yKrcfgys3UAcEseIo46X2U5Zb7AQAyT8iklxAUZEOARs25brahpdcucoCNe"; <br /><br />
var cache = {}; <br />
var container = $("#example1"); <br />
var errorDiv = container.find("div.text-error"); <br /><br />
/** Handle successful response */ <br />
function handleResp(data) <br />
{ <br />
 // Check for error <br />
 if (data.error_msg) <br />
  errorDiv.text(data.error_msg); <br />
 else if ("city" in data) <br />
 { <br />
  // Set city and state <br />
  container.find("input[name='city']").val(; <br />
  container.find("input[name='state']").val(data.state); <br />
 } <br />
} <br /><br />
// Set up event handlers <br />
container.find("input[name='zipcode']").on("keyup change", function() { <br />
 // Get zip code <br />
 var zipcode = $(this).val().substring(0, 5); <br />
 if (zipcode.length == 5 && /^[0-9]+$/.test(zipcode)) <br />
 { <br />
  // Clear error <br />
  errorDiv.empty(); <br /><br />
  // Check cache <br />
  if (zipcode in cache) <br />
  { <br />
   handleResp(cache[zipcode]); <br />
  } <br />
  else <br />
  { <br />
   // Build url <br />
   var url = ""+clientKey+"/info.json/" + zipcode + "/radians"; <br /><br />
   // Make AJAX request <br />
   $.ajax({ <br />
    "url": url, <br />
    "dataType": "json" <br />
   }).done(function(data) { <br />
    handleResp(data); <br /><br />
    // Store in cache <br />
    cache[zipcode] = data; <br />
   }).fail(function(data) { <br />
    if (data.responseText && (json = $.parseJSON(data.responseText))) <br />
    { <br />
     // Store in cache <br />
     cache[zipcode] = json; <br /><br />
     // Check for error <br />
     if (json.error_msg) <br />
      errorDiv.text(json.error_msg); <br />
    } <br />
    else <br />
     errorDiv.text('Request failed.'); <br />
   }); <br />
  } <br />
 } <br />
}).trigger("change"); <br />
}); <br /> //]]></script>   
Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Unbounce does support most client side scripting (including AJAX calls). It looks like isn’t online though, which is likely why the script isn’t working (I found a person on Stack Overflow who had the code working, but reported on Nov. 4th that it had stopped as well).

This or similar code will execute out of Unbounce, but you’ll need to find a different host than for the actual data (unless their database come back online). I took a look around, but the only other version of the Ziptastic code that I could find was this version (that hosts the Ziptastic js locally), but the demo that is up didn’t work for me either.

Me too! 🙂 Still researching…

I would really love if someone knew how to get this working or another solution that could provide state and city from the zip.

I was trying to do something similar.
I don’t think Unbounce supports AJAX calls.
